James Forneri University College
Emile Pernet University and Trinity Colleges
Rev. Alferd Henry Reynar Victoria College
Father Charles Vincent St Michael's College
Graduating Class in Modern Languages, University College,
1883. The instructors in Modern Languages are seated in the second
row: W. Oldright, Italian (second from the left); D. Wilson, English
(third); W.H. Van der Smissen, German (fourth); E. Pernet, French
(at far right). John Squair is standing behind Pernet.
John Squair University College
John Home Cameron University College
John Petch Victoria College
Pelham Edgar Victoria College
Archibald Hope Young Trinity College
Father Robert McBrady St Michael's College
Harry Edgerton Ford Victoria College Head 1916-40
Father Louis Joseph Bondy St Michael's College Head 1928-62
Victor de Beaumont Victoria College Head 1940-49
Rivers Keith Hicks Trinity College Head 1927-53
F.C.A. Jeanneret University College Head 1927-59
Laurie Riese Victoria College
Production of Moliere's Les Femmes savantes at University
College in December 1945
Gala Banquet at the King Edward Hotel in Honour of Saint-Elme
de Champ on his Retirement in 1950. Members of the Department
of French include de Champ (bearded figure seated under the portrait);
front row, from left: D.M. Hayne (4th) , R. Finch (5th), J.G.
Andison(7th); third row, from left: E.A. Jolait(5th).
C.D. Rouillard, David M. Hayne, F.C.A. Jeanneret, and Robert
Finch in December 1952
Members of the Department of French Recording a French Play
for Use in Ontario High Schools in 1955. From left: R. Finch,
E.A. Joliat, (unidentified), J.L. Gillespie, P. Reboul (visiting
professor), M.E. Sanouillet.
C.D. Rouillard University College Head 1959-69
W.H. Trethewey Victoria College Head 1952-67
W.S. Rogers Trinity College Head 1950-72
Father Richard B. Donovan St Michael's College Head 1962-75
Early Phonetics Laboratory at University College
Language Laboratory E.J. Pratt Library Victoria College
Members (past and present) of Erindale College French Discipline
Group in 1993. From left: N. Swallow, C. Elkabas, J. Le Gall,
C. Berniccia, S. Rosienski, D. Trott, P. Michelucci, J. Paterson;
at front : M.J. Geddes and M.-P. Ducretet.
Jeannette Jeanes and Clarence Parsons Teaching a Class at
the Summer School at Saint-Pierre in 1961.
New College Staff in 1969. Members of the Department of French
are, in front: F.I. Case ( at left), Y. Resch (second from left),
F.A. Hare, registrar (second from right); next row: D. Clandfield
(second), E.A. Heinemann (third), B.A. Kwant (centre), C. Roberts
(middle right), D. Jourlait (far right); third row: W.A. Oliver
(right); at back : O.J. Miller (left), J.K. Gilbert (centre).
Brian T. Fitch Trinity College Head 1972-75
Pierre Robert University College Head 1969-75
Paul L. Mathews Chair, 1971-73 Combined Departments
A. Robert Harden Victoria College Head 1967-72
Members of the Department of French in 1983. From left: (top)
L. Kerslake, H. Schogt, J.A. McClelland: (middle) B.-Z. Shek,
N. Maury, M.-R. Cornu, (bottom) P. Lafaury, J. Savona, R. Le Huenen.
Members of the Department of French in 1983. From left: (top)
D. Trott, P. Bouillaguet, W.A. Oliver; (middle) P. Fitting, M.-P.
Ducretet, C. Elkabas, P. Martin; (bottom) P. Grillo, J.M. Paterson,
J.K. Gilbert.
David W. Smith 1975-80
Brian S. Merrilees 1980-84
Frederick I. Case 1985-90
Paul Perron 1990-
Members of the University College French Discipline Group
in 1993. From left: R. Baligand, P. Bhatt, M.-R. Cornu, A.R. Curtis,
N. Boursier, J. Fleming, M. Charlebois, J.A. Dainard, E. James,
E. Lehouck.
Members of the Victoria College French Discipline Group in
1993. From left: D.W. Smith, A. Rosenberg, B.S. Merrilees, R.A.
Taylor, D. Bouchard, L. Riese, F. Rouget. M. Leon, C. Vercollier,
A. Kovacs (secretary), H.S.F. Collins, J. Sellars (lab), C.D.E.
Tolton, P. Bouissac.
Members of the St Michael's College French Discipline Group
in 1993. From left: C. Principe, P. Haillet, Y. Roberge, F. Des
Roches, R. Wood (lab), J.-C. Susini, J. Hanna, M. D'Aoust (secretary),
D. Issa-Sayegh, C. Grise, F. Khettry, M. O'Neill-Karch, A. Nzabatsinda.
Administrative Staff of the Department of French in 1993,
From left: Linda Lamisong, Maria Babiak, Monique Lecerf, Marjorie
Rolanda, and Rebecca Wedge.