would now give credit for class I in general proficiency and 50 per cent be rated as class ii. Honour marks remained unchanged, for senior matriculation and in all years: 75 per cent = class i, 66 per cent = ii, 50 per cent = iii, while below 50 per cent in course work might be allowed Pass standing or in fourth year, on request, a degree without honours (dwh).
By 1919-20 standards in both Pass and Honour courses had risen. For the former, in the first two years, standing depended on 50 per cent in each of six subjects or a 50 per cent average, while in the third and fourth years, 75 per cent of all examination marks earned grade a standing, 60 per cent a grade b, and 50 per cent a grade c. In Honour subjects, standings of class i for 75 per cent and class ii for 66 per cent remained the same. But class iii rose to 60 per cent, and 50 per cent earned a bl (below the line, but passing), while less than 50 per cent
could be granted credit as a Pass subject. This Honour scale would remain unchanged, and the Pass scale would eventually be raised in accordance: 75 per cent, 66 per cent, and 60 per cent indicating a, b, and c standing respectively.
In the 1909 revision of the requirements and options in the General Course, French was not specifically required, but in practice it was almost always the other “foreign language” that had to be continued in the first two years and often the chosen option for the one “foreign language” required in the last two years. The promised wider options among subjects offered in the last two years of the New General Course did not apply to choices within a subject, and the curriculum in French shows very little variation during this period. The first two years were limited almost entirely to grammar, dictation, and translation, English-French and French-English. The latter presumably continued to be based on the prescribed
texts for senior matriculation, though no reading texts are listed for first and second years in the calendars from 1895 to 1919. Students in third-year General studied prose texts, always including a Bossuet oraison funèbre and Voltaire’s Zadig (later sometimes Micromégas), followed by two or three items such as Paul et Virginie, Pêcheur d’Islande, Graziella, or Daudet’s Contes. In the fourth year the standard reading programme during this period was one play each by Racine, Molière, Hugo, and Augier, sandwiched between fables by La Fontaine and some nineteenth-century verse.
Suddenly in 1919, however, as if to compensate for the retrogression in terminology from “General” to “Pass,” the Pass Course received a startling face-lift and the dignity of having its four-year programme printed on a separate page in the calendar. In a revolution that must have jolted both students and
instructors out of familiar ruts, first year was told it must read at least 350 pages of modern French from a long list of books, some written by such old stand-bys of matriculation texts as Octave Feuillet and Émile Souvestre, but others challengingly new, including Musset’s Fantasio and On ne badine pas avec l’amour, along with selections from standard French histories and others concerning the war just ended. These pieces of living history were read in a collection of war sketches, Sous les armes (1918), edited by Marcel Moraud, a new appointment to University College, and his edition of Maurice Barrès, Colette Baudoche, heads the list of modern texts prescribed for reading in second-year Pass French.
With equal suddenness the Pass programme in third- and fourth-year French, ceasing to offer a bouquet of prose followed by a nosegay of theatre and verse,
took on the nature, if not the scope, of the Honour programme, that is, sequential studies in history and literature. The third-year course was announced as “Standards of the Classical Age and the Main Ideas of the Eighteenth Century, Studies in French Literature from Malherbe to the Philosophes” and the fourth-year as “Forces and Movements in French Literature since 1780.” French 3a brings strength to the programme by adding Corneille’s Le Cid to masterpieces of Molière, Racine, and La Fontaine while assisting an instructor in the movement of ideas with good anthologies of seventeenth-century prose and of Voltaire. French 4a follows suit, adding Balzac’s Gobseck to a series of representative texts from Hugo and Augier to Rostand and Bazin, supported by anthologies of Rousseau, nineteenth-century lyrics, and contes des romanciers naturalistes. It would seem that the French Department had elevated its Pass courses to the point envisaged by President Falconer in his report for the year
1908-09, when an attempt had been made to raise the quality of the Pass menu. “Too many students have entered the honour course, partly because the general course did not give them the training they desired, partly because of the greater prestige of the former. It is hoped that the general course will be found to have risen greatly in value, and correspondingly in prestige, becoming the most popular course for the average student.”
The Honour Course in French, as we have seen, had already reached a lofty – some would say over-lofty – standard before 1890. There was the same stress now on language work as in the General Course but at a more advanced level. The establishment in 1895 in Honour Moderns of a required first-year course in Phonetics was a great aid to the acquisition of a good pronunciation in French, as well as in the four other European languages being studied, along with English, by
students in the Honour Course (now called simply Modern Languages).34 The first listings of time allotments for French courses in the calendar, beginning in 1904-05, show that, besides one class-hour a week devoted to grammar and two-way translation, Honour students also had an extra class-hour each week in oral work and composition, to which were added in the third year an hour for study of phonology, Old French grammar, and medieval texts, and in fourth year an hour in the history of the French language.
The remaining class-hours, hardly more than one per week in each year, were devoted to a chronological study of French literature. This was optimistically begun in first year, where in 1905-06 students were responsible for studying outlines of the history of French literature to the mid-sixteenth century, two plays of Molière, and a book of La Fontaine’s Fables. Any lack of fluent reading ability
in modern French was presumably taken care of by the reading of two or three out of seventeen recommended nineteenth-century texts, from Labiche to Daudet. Second year brought Corneille, Racine, Molière (three plays), La Bruyère, Bossuet, and Boileau; third year, some of La Chanson de Roland, eighteenth-century theatre, and verse and prose by eight authors from Lesage to Chateaubriand and Madame de Staël; fourth year, another eight authors, from Lamartine to Leconte de Lisle and Maupassant. Any desire for change seems to have been satisfied by tinkering with the relative quantities of specialization to be allowed in third and fourth years. But apart from minor changes, the French Honour programme stood still as if sacrosanct.
In 1913-14, however, the existence of considerable dissatisfaction with the Modern Language programme was suddenly revealed in the pages of the
University Monthly. The opening salvo was fired by a young Canadian who had been a student in Modern Languages at University College for four years and spent four years there as an instructor in French. A.F.B. Clark’s article, entitled “The Rehabilitation of Modern Languages,” was written on his hearing that the reorganization of the Honour Course was being discussed.35 Must we accept, asked Clark, the fact that men avoid the Modern Languages course because it does not give them as thorough an intellectual training and as broad an initiation into the great problems that students grapple with in Classics, Philosophy, Political Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and the Natural Sciences? No, he replied, if we are willing to abandon the folly of trying to turn all students into practical linguists and philologists and study instead the civilization (philosophy, history, social customs, and art) of the countries where the major European languages and literatures developed. With this change must come a more vigilant
selection of material studied and fresh combinations with other subjects, especially the Classics with their depth and discipline. Why not English, French, and Latin, or Greek, Latin, and Italian, or Comparative Classical and Modern Literature, as at Harvard, not forgetting that French, in the hands of a well-prepared teacher, is unrivalled as a gracious initiator into the problems of thought and civilization and as a model instrument of expression.
Clark must have been pleased with the lively responses that were printed in the University Monthly in the next six months. The first was a burst of enthusiastic praise from a recent Trinity student claiming to represent a host of sufferers from the Toronto system, especially its excessive number of subjects that demanded memory at the expense of any other faculty and led to ultimate mental stagnation.36 In the same issue Professor A.H. Young of Trinity wrote to express
hearty agreement and confidence that reforms were already under way if better co-ordination could be achieved, both in the studies of various literatures and between language and literature courses and the departments of History and Philosophy. A month later a letter to the editor from professor of German W.H. Van der Smissen of University College expressed general agreement but impatience with Clark’s excesses and crisply defended Middle High German and Philology as taught in the German Department.37
The climax to Clark’s call for reform came in the article (referred to earlier) by J.S. Will, professor of French at University College, entitled simply “The Modern Language Course.”38 Will had no doubt encouraged his young colleague to give free vent to the animadversions he had first formed as what Will called one of those exceptional students “whose generous and eager minds fret at the leash in
which they seem to be held ... by a system which in its present form is paternalistic, conservative and antiquated.” Will did not add much to Clark’s shrewd castigations except a heightening of generalization as he depicted the fate of the better student, frustrated at the standards set by the backward student, condemned to “sordid textual grubbing without food for the intellect or satisfaction for the imagination,” overwhelmed by “the multiplicity of subjects [that] make too great a demand upon the student’s time, dispersing his energy, and encouraging superficiality,” so that “during term he is an automaton registering the obiter dicta of his professor; in the
examination hall he is an animated synopsis.” (On this point, Will no doubt deserves some credit for the modest modification of the Modern Languages programme, which from 1914 on prescribed two instead of three of English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish in third and fourth years, each four hours, with two hours devoted to a third language.)
Together with Will’s censure of the excessive quantity of work expected of Moderns students went a ringing condemnation of the teaching of literature by centuries, for the instructor “a Procrustean bed upon which to shockingly abbreviate or to painfully attenuate a man’s faculties” and for the student an encouragement to “looseness of thought and treatment, generalization, and second-hand statement rather than direct observation,” unless accompanied by more intensive courses where an instructor could specialize. This criticism was to go unheeded by the department for over half a century. Some professors then, as later, no doubt solved their own problems by taking more time on favourite authors or segments, some even making no pretense of “covering the course.” For the examinations, however, usually set by an examiner other than the teacher, the student still had to be ready to write on any of the authors announced for “coverage” and to treat them in the context of the century. How else maintain the
Toronto Honours tradition, guardian of the high reputation in American graduate schools for thorough preparation of its students and – despite Will’s impatient rejection of teacher training – the highway to the coveted specialist standing for teachers in Ontario secondary schools.39
Finally, he voiced a common exasperation among the planners of the Moderns course, directed at certain other Honour departments that would not co-operate in offerings suited to the French Department’s goals, though few would have defined these goals as narrowly as Will did. “To teach literature is to teach thought ... Literature is a social manifestation ... Literary history is psychology ... Literary studies must be based on linguistics, but must reach far out into the realms of religion, politics, science and philosophy.” The Philosophy course, Will lamented, was “framed with reference only to a specialist in philosophy.” Neglecting to

admit that this attitude had already proved of some advantage to the Moderns programme in French, leading the department in 1911 to add Descartes and Pascal to its own second-year programme, Will targeted the main villain, the History course, with which Modern Languages had been formally linked to 1890 and again from 1903 to 1907. Now “framed with an English and History Course bias to the prejudice of all other Courses” and offering no European history to speak of, it forced drastic action. “Modern Languages must, and will in the future, provide their own history,” proclaimed Will, and for once he was in agreement with the old guard in charge of tradition and cautious innovation in the French curriculum.40 In 1916, quite inconsistently with attempts to lighten the student’s burden, French history, taught by members of the French Department, was formally added to each year of the Honour Course in French. By 1918 the four-year French history sequence covered, in first year, Outlines of Medieval

History; second, History of France in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries; third and fourth, the same respectively for the eighteenth century and from the beginning of the nineteenth century to the present. French teachers now, and for the next years, took turns at playing historian.
The year 1916 saw two other innovations of greater significance, in line with Will’s call to break away from arbitrary century stanchions and offer teachers of the department some fresh scope. One was a third-year one-hour course in literary criticism from Du Bellay to Madame de Staël entitled “The Classic Ideal as Represented in Critical Writings from the Pléiade to the Beginnings of Romanticism.” The other, more startling, was a fourth-year course in “Contemporary Literature,” with readings in a dozen authors from Becque and Heredia to Barrès, Rostand, and de Regnier and including Verlaine, France, Loti,

Hervieu, Brieux, Margueritte, and Maeterlinck. This latter course, unlisted for some time in the Modern Languages specifications, was apparently at first an optional supplementary credit and a rewarding side-excursion for students having enough stamina and eagerness to stray from the beaten paths.
Two other newly listed items in French in 1916 represent the codification of expectations occasionally mentioned since the 1890s. In 1895 there had been simply one required fourth-year essay, on a subject approved by “the Professor of the branch of study selected by the candidate,” to be examined and marked by “the Professors and Lecturers in the Department of Modern Languages” and counted in the standing. From 1916 on, whatever happened in the other languages and literatures, students in third- and fourth-year French were responsible for what is described as “essays on prescribed topics.”41 We should note, however,

in the calendar listings of 1919-20 in Honour French, that the innovations had been bought at a price: diminished time devoted to language. The previously required third-year Old French Grammar and Phonology and fourth-year History of the French Language had been telescoped into a single one-hour requirement reassuringly entitled “Elementary Course in Old French.”